Ti’s Battle Stations! Space Maps for Wonderd...


Battle Stations Solar System map kit for Wonderdraft.

Get the full sci-fi look with these other space-themed packs for Wonderdraft!

Ti's Revenge of the Roads: 88 Pathways, Rails, Monorail, Sci-Fi Roads Expansion for Wonderdraft and DungeonDraft

Ti's Solar System Maker for DungeonDraft (and PNG pack)

Ti's Sci-Fi Infrastructure, Rubble, Ruins and Robots for DungeonDraft, Wonderdraft and Other World Mapper

Ti's Geometric Frames for Wonderdraft

Ti's Space Ships for Wonderdraft

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Battle Stations Planet Pack for Wonderdraft

This is the same pack as Battle Stations! for DungeonDraft, just set up to take advantage of Wonderdraft specific functionality. If you own the DD pack and want this one too, just email me or Discord me and I’ll provide a free copy.

Jammed full of space station tech, explosions, lasers, planets, suns, quasars and seamless backgrounds! Backgrounds come in a variety of colors and styles, including inverted space for those moments you cross through a black hole and end up in a parallel dimension. Planets come with optional atmosphere and tech ring overlays.

15 themes for Wonderdraft

Terrain and Water brushes

Planet objects with add-on rings and atmosphere, sun and explosion objects, laser objects and of course, space station and tech objects. Most assets come as fixed color (original release) and colorable. There’s a kit of overlay objects in the folder “Ti’s Battlestation Space Overlays” that can be used to add clouds and shading, those don’t come in ‘colorable’.

Laser paths.

Space backgrounds as ‘sea’ and ‘land’.

Expansion assets for Solar System Maker for Wonderdraft. Planet sizes 1, 2 and 3 line up to the previous pack, so you can mix and match atmospheres and rings.

Battle Stations science fiction map making pack for wonderdraft solar system galaxy
Colorable assets
Battle Stations science fiction map making pack for wonderdraft solar system galaxy
The burning heat of several suns.
Battle Stations science fiction map making pack for wonderdraft solar system galaxy
Add on rings and atmosphere.
Battle Stations science fiction map making pack for wonderdraft solar system galaxy
Tons of assets.

Personally, I think the Dungeondraft workflow is better, but if you only own Wonderdraft and really want to use it for making space maps, this pack will add tons of space-based functionality to Wonderdraft.

Yes, I will be converting all the previous Dungeondraft space packs I’ve made for use in Wonderdraft soon!

Good packs to pair with this one:


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License Information
License Type CAL-NA-NCR
Posted by original creator Yes
License Notes

Map Information
Assets used in Map

This is the same pack as Battle Stations! for DungeonDraft,
just set up to take advantage of Wonderdraft specific functionality. If
you own the DD pack and want this one too, just email me or Discord me
and I'll provide a free copy.

Download links for the assets and brushes are in the .docx file or .pdf folder. They are too large to host on CartographyAssets.com directly.

Map Size

Map Theme
Map Style
Content Information
Software Information
Verified to Work With Wonderdraft
Mythkeeper Compatible

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Jan 23/2024: If you were experiencing an error where not all of the files would unzip due to the file length, this has been fixed. This error only occurred when someone unzipped using Windows to unzip, not 7-zip. Redownload the pack and replace the assets folder for Battle Stations to correct!


How to Install
