Ti’s 150 Brambles for DungeonDraft (and PNG ...


150 Brambles, Branches, Logs, Moss, Leaves, etc for Dungeondraft and generic PNG. Also includes 3 demo battlemaps.

Check out some of my other packs!

Ti's 300 Trees, Leaves and Weeds for DungeonDraft

Ti's Ink Ground Texture Stamps for Wonderdraft, DungeonDraft and Photoshop

Ti's Water as Paths for Dungeondraft and Wonderdraft

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Branches brambles logs sticks roots, deadfall, stumps, leaves, moss, undergrowth for DungeonDraft
Demo includes a tree from 300 Trees and a stream from Water as Paths.

Brambles, Thorns, Branches, Logs, Moss, Leaves etc for DungeonDraft

This purchase includes a .dungeondraft_pack and a .zip full of .pngs for generic use.

To install in DungeonDraft, place the .dungeondraft_pack in your DungeonDraft assets folder while the program is off and activate from your assets window.

Branches brambles logs sticks roots, deadfall, stumps, leaves, moss, undergrowth for DungeonDraft

Brambles PNG pack

You can also use these in Other World Mapper with the generic .png pack. Open your Other World Mapper image manager and find the files on your computer to install through the program interface, or place in Other World Mapper / Features / Feed the Multiverse / Brambles manually.

The .PNGs will also work in any virtual tabletop.

Branches brambles logs sticks roots, deadfall, stumps, leaves, moss, undergrowth for DungeonDraft

Need more awesome assets?

Get more leaves and trees in my 300 Trees, Leaves and Weeds for DungeonDraft (July Update: New Colorable Objects, Shadows and Lights!) pack

Want to draw these brambles yourself in Clip Studio Paint? 10 Thorn, Root, Branch and Bramble brushes for Clip Studio Paint

Ink Ground Stamps for Wonderdraft and DungeonDraft (July Update: Now Colorable and Lights in DungeonDraft! .ABR now included!) will pair nicely as well!

Add streams of water with Water as Paths for Dungeondraft and Wonderdraft

Runestones: Divination and Cryptography (DungeonDraft Pack and PNG packs) for mystical groves such as this one:

Branches brambles logs sticks roots, deadfall, stumps, leaves, moss, undergrowth for DungeonDraft
Runestone at the end of the path from Runestones pack!


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License Information
License Type CAL-NA-NCR
Posted by original creator Yes
License Notes

Map Information
Assets used in Map

Map Size

Map Theme
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Content Information
Software Information
Verified to Work With
Mythkeeper Compatible

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How to Install
