BluBerrey’s ALL MODULAR TILES | 425 Tiles Cu...


17 Modular Tile Packs and counting… This pack is constantly updated. Monthly adding the latest Modular Tile Pack release by BluBerrey.

BluBerrey's DwarvenDwellings City Tiles | Colored

Hey Everyone!

deep into the cavernous halls of the dwarven empire with the
DwarvenDwellings city tiles! Assemble the tiles into sprawling cities.
You can place mines, lava flows, ancient forges, market squares,
elevator systems, traintracks, and so on!

Monsters&Beasts Tile Pack | Nr.1 | (25 modular tiles)

Explore the deadly red desert landscapes with our Monsters&Beasts Tile Pack! This set of 25 modular tiles is perfect for creating city outskirts, nomadic camps, and tribal villages/settlements. Dive into the bloody world of orcs, beasts and monsters!

Classic Tile Pack | Nr.1 | 25 Modular Tiles

26 (big cathedral tile split into 2) tiles are yours, following a more
classical fantasy / medieval styling. Revisiting the 45° roads,
cathedral, chapel, and market squares from previous packs, sewn into a
new and colorful garb, matching our latest assets' level of detail/scale
and coloring.

Elven Tile Pack | Nr.2 | 25 Modular Tiles

Welcome to our Rivendell inspired Tile Pack! With these Elvish tiles
you can build your cities on high cliffs above waves or dense ancient
forests. Many docks of course, and other unique outpost, main square and
sunken ruins tiles. It can stand on its own or used in tandem with any other BluBerrey Tile Pack.

Nordic Tile Pack | Nr.2 | Produce&Production

Welcome to the Northern Spring and Summertime! Crops are ready for harvest, honeybees are buzzing in the fields, fruits are ready to be picked in the orchards!

Desert Empire Tile Pack | Nr.2 | Water&Irrigation

Hey there and welcome to the first expansion pack for the Desert Empire tiles!
In this pack I focused on adding a lot of variety of water-tiles, irrigation, and greenery in general. (There are a couple outliers)

Oriental (far-east themed) Modular Tile-Pack

This pack is possibly the most 'artistically pleasing' pack we have had the pleasure of making so far. We really tried to push the aesthetic, and create a sort of melding of different far eastern styles. You will find bits of ancient/medieval japanese, chinese, vietnamese, thai, and more inside this pack.

Dwarven Tile Pack | Nr.2 | (25 modular tiles)

Here is the new Dwarven Expansion tile pack! It features 25 brand new tiles featuring the new assets mostly from the dwarven assets 2 pack, which have more outside housing areas.
The focus of the pack was to give you an option to build outside of the mountain too, unlike the first pack that focused only on the inside regions.

BluBerrey's DesertEmpire City Tiles | Colored

This is a standalone pack, consiting of 25 tiles in an Arabian and Egypt influenced desert style.

Hellas Tile Pack | Nr.2 | (25 modular tiles)

With this addition to your Hellas Tiles 1
pack you will have a grand total of 50 tiles to make all and any of the
ancient Greece, Rome, or Theros inspired cities/towns and villages
you'd like!

BluBerrey's FlyingCity TilePack 2

Below you will find the long overdue Flying City Tilepack pt2! 26 further tiles, many mega tiles in there as well.

This one has more modern looking things, like planes, guns, heavy cranes, metal bars etc. I tried to showcase a mix between classic magical fantasy and steampunk science, I hope I succeeded!
You will also find a bunch more city streets tiles to introduce some more variety into your road layouts.

As per usual let me know which tiles you adore, and maybe what you'd like to see added in the future, once we revisit this awesome setting!

BluBerrey's FlyingCity TilePack 1

This pack has been a blast to make, both the assets and now the tiles. It's a very unique setting, being a flying city and all, but I wanted to give you the opportunity to use them with any background you wish.
Because of this I've come up with these half transparent tiles that still work the same way as others but the outside areas are all empty. Because of this you can use any map/texture/other tiles, etc etc.

My suggestion is to keep it empty as you export, and then create backgrounds that you can use to "fly" your city. Heck, make animated bacgrounds and a foreground with clouds and birds for that extra immersion!:))

BluBerrey's Nordic (Viking Themed) Tile Pack

An expansion asset pack featuring 63 top down Nordic (Viking Inspired) modular City Tiles. You can use the pack to build cities and towns, by just using this pack, OR, you can combine it with the expansion assets and other tile packs. They are all compatible!

BluBerrey’s Hellas (Greek Themed) Tile Pack (25 Modular Tiles)

expansion Tile pack featuring 25 top down Hellas (Ancient Greek
Inspired) City Tiles. You can use the pack to build cities and towns.
Strongly suggested to get the Base Pack first, which contains basic
backgrounds and paths. Check out the Greek Assets also, which you can
use to further customize and detail your maps!

BluBerrey's Necropolis City Tiles | Colored

This is a standalone pack, consiting of 25 tiles in an Undead, Necropolis style.

Drow Tile Pack | Nr.1 | (25 modular tiles)

Welcome to the depths of the Underdark! Compatible with our Dwarven and all other 'underground' tiles, we've created the brand new Drow styled tiles.

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Get lifelong access to all of our tiles in one fell swoop, saving a lot of money and time along the way!

Our packs offer varying styles, but are cross compatible with each other allowing you to mix and match the tile packs with each other!

Add assets on top of the finished tile maps to add extra details or modify the tiles by laying assets on top, covering them. Add accessories and borderings, if you really want those extra bits of detail!

The packs are ordered by style, which are the following at the moment (constantly expanded): Dwarven, Elven, Undead, Desert, Nordic, Hellas, FlyingCity, Orcish, Oriental, ‘Classic Medieval’, Drow.

Enjoy the new packs, and feel free to show us your creations! We are always happy to see the assets being used in action!

You will find both PNG images and the _pack files for DungeonDraft inside
the ZIP folders below! Unzip with any unpacking software (7-zip, WinRar,

Thank you! And as always,

Happy Building!
The BluBerrey Team


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License Information
License Type CAL-BY-NC
Posted by original creator Yes
License Notes

All of my assets packs and maps are under CC BY NC licensing, meaning
non-commercial. I'm OPEN for HIRE or COMMISSIONS however if you need me
for your projects! Feel free to reach out!

Map Information
Assets used in Map

Map Size

Map Theme
Map Style
Content Information
Software Information
Verified to Work With Clip Studio Paint, Corel Painter, Dungeondraft, GIMP, Photoshop
Mythkeeper Compatible

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How to Install

Install guide at the beginning. Overarching DungeonDraft tutorial after!
