Additional Search Options

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Adds options to search for assets in the wall, pattern and terrain tools.
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Additional Search Options

Modifies the UI for the Wall, Pattern and Terrain tools to add the ability to search & filter for assets.

Search options also added to the select tool for Walls and Patterns.

Limitations & Caveats

Searching in the Pattern tool requires pre-selecting one of these categories: Simple Tiles, Patterns or Patterns Colorable.

The mod does not support search in the Building tool.

Using this mod with other mods that directly update the in built tool panels may result in inconsistent behaviour although at time of writing there are no known incompatibilities.


v1.1.3 – improved performance for searches for high asset counts by removing unnecessary function calls

v1.1.2 – added support to display default colours in the main tool grids; fixed background bug where search functions were repeatedly called unnecessarily

v1.1.1 – updated terrain tool search with additional option to move the terrain search to the right side panel of the UI


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Dungeondraft Script Information
Dungeondraft Version
Adheres to Script Rules no
Open Source URL
License Information
License Type Other
Posted by original creator Yes
License Notes

Map Information
Assets used in Map

Map Size

Map Theme
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Content Information
Software Information
Verified to Work With
Mythkeeper Compatible

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