Grand Statues


Classical statues for DungeonDraft!
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A DungeonDraft-compatible set of 20 statues and seven bases! Color
variations are bronze, copper, limestone, and marble. You can mix and
match the bases to create a wide variety of looks.

The statues all depict human figures and have a classical/mythological theme.

You can use these statues to create maps for commercial use; no attribution required.

This pack includes a set of DungeonDraft custom assets and a ZIP with PNGs of all the objects. DPI is 256.


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License Information
License Type CAL-NA-NCR-NS
Posted by original creator Yes
License Notes


No Attribution, commercial use allowed, modifications cannot be shared.

This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack for
personal use in their user content only. It is allowed to make
modifications to the asset pack contents, but the user is not allowed to
share the modified content. Commercial use of base assets is allowed
but reselling of content (modified and base items) in any way is
forbidden. The user is not required to mention the creator.

Map Information
Assets used in Map

Map Size

Map Theme
Map Style
Content Information
Software Information
Verified to Work With Dungeondraft
Mythkeeper Compatible

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How to Install
