Miscellanea’s Home Architect Pack (Free)


A stylish genre-agnostic floor plan kit for Dungeondraft inspired by 50s mail-order home catalogs. This is the free version!
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A demo scene containing all included assets.

This is a genre-agnostic floor plan kit for Dungeondraft. Created at first for my own purposes, as I felt Dungeondraft’s assets were too specific for fast map design; I wanted something more lenient where imagination was concerned. This pack is my solution.

The pack’s assets are designed to be abstract, and encourage imagination and fast map design. A simple rectangle can represent a bed, a table, a generator, or a particularly thick wall. Rather than requiring hundreds or thousands of assets for every concievable circumstance, this allows for extremely quick design that is still relatively pleasing to the eyes. Since the shapes are solid-color with a light texture applied, they can also be seamlessly combined to create new and more elaborate shapes if the situation requires it.


  • Solid-color flat designs and a tasteful color palette that’s both readable and easy on the eyes
  • Walls of many varying thicknesses, plus a rough wall for caves and the like
  • Foliage icons for a variety of uses and purposes, including bushy green blobs and dark black root-like bushes
  • An arrangement of primitive shapes in two colors – one for obstacles and furniture, another for solid walls and high cover – or whatever else you want to use them for
  • Paths in varying thickness for various purposes
  • A full alphanumeric symbol set, hand-drawn by yours truly
    • The kerning is pretty bad when you snap them to the grid, though. That’s what you get in monospace fonts. But hey, it works.
  • Stair paths in tall, wide, and short-wide variations

Leave a Tip

If you like the pack, check out the paid version! There is no difference between the two versions. Even the license is the same. I consider this a donation sort of thing. If you like the pack, I appreciate the tip.


The download contains a .dungeondraft_pack file. This must be inserted into Dungeondraft’s custom assets directory. If you don’t know where this is, please consult Dungeondraft’s documentation, as it will vary based on your operating system.

Future Goals

I may make additional color schemes for this pack in the future, depending on reception.


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License Information
License Type CAL-BY-NRB
Posted by original creator Yes
License Notes

Permission to use this pack in commercial works is granted under the following conditions:

  • That you credit Miscellanea Maps explicitly within either the work or the launch/store page on which the product appears;
  • That a direct URL link to the asset pack's webpage here on Cartography Assets be provided, assuming that an included hyperlink would be a reasonable thing to implement. (I'm not going to expect hyperlinks if someone manages to use these in a physically printed work.)

Any form of noncommercial use is permitted without explicit crediting, although you are not permitted to claim ownership or authorship over the pack itself, and I do request that you provide credit as you see fit. You may claim both ownership and authorship over any derivative works, though I request that you credit my work and ideally provide a link to the pack's store page here for users to refer to.

Map Information
Assets used in Map

Map Size

Map Theme
Map Style
Content Information
Software Information
Verified to Work With Dungeondraft
Mythkeeper Compatible

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