5e fonts

This package contains every font used in base 5th Edition, free of all restrictions. The package consists of 22 Fonts in 7 Families. See below for the font examples:

[ATTACH type=”full” alt=”fonts-sample.jpg”]1219[/ATTACH]

There is a commentary.pdf in the metadata folder that explains everything. Refer to that if you have questions.

The same information can also be found here, along with the fonts: https://github.com/jonathonf/solbera-dnd-fonts

If you are curious where the original fonts were used in the original publications: https://taxidermicowlbear.weebly.com/dd-fonts.html

Steve Deffeys Fonts

There are five fonts from typographer, Steve Deffeyes. Two of which have alternate versions. Due to the licensing I must keep them zipped up as they are. See instructions below for how to unzip them.

Important Installation Instructions
The ‘Steve Deffeyes’ folder should be placed in the Wonderdraft assets folder as is; the file structure is the way it should be for Wonderdraft to properly read.

Unzip/Extract the fonts from each of the zipped files into the same folder. So to go over it, your folder should be: assetsSteve Deffeyesfonts

and you should now have these files:
Gondola SD – Swash.tff
Gondola SD.tff
Kells SD.ttf
Marker SD.tff
Marker SD Italic.tff
Ramsey SD.tff
Roman SD.tff

alongside a bunch of zipped files with the same names (both gondola-sd.zip and marker-sd.zip each contain two fonts).