Fog of War (Dotty)


Fog / Mist to cover the map
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Add an air of mystery and adventure to your fantasy maps with our Dotty Fog of War Pack. Designed for Wonderdraft, this pack provides detailed fog assets that help you create dynamic and immersive maps.

Each asset is custom & sample colorable, allowing you to seamlessly blend them into your world.

Perfect for fantasy cartographers looking to add suspense and intrigue to their maps.

We added a Custom Colorable folder to help you when the area is so tight to color. But not to overcrowd the mountains category all the Cc fogs are in one folder!

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License Information
License Type CAL-NA-NC-NS
A commercial license can be purchased here
Posted by original creator Yes
License Notes

Map Information
Assets used in Map

Map Size

Map Theme
Map Style
Content Information
Software Information
Verified to Work With Wonderdraft
Mythkeeper Compatible

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How to Install
