Grainstreet: A small farming village map


Grainstreet is a small village made up mostly of farmers, simple quiet folk who expect nothing much out of life. Of course that’s what it looks like on a first view. What manner of mysteries lie within this quaint little place? Perhaps the old crone living alone in the wood is actually an evil witch, or maybe someone wants the people to think that. Maybe the crops are dying to a mysterious plague, and the local druid needs help figuring out what caused it. Who knows, even this innocent looking place could be start to a peasant’s revolution, all of them angered at the ignorance of their lord. What goes on is up to you to decide.
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Hello Adventurers!

This is just the start of a series of digital hand-drawn maps I’ll be releasing for the foreseeable future. There will be a variety of settings, sizes and genres so stay tuned.
Grainstreet comes in two versions, one that contains text such as the name of the village, some named locations and a compass, and a clean version with just the image. Both images are high quality and ready to print.


Want to leave a comment, suggestion, complaints or compliments? Contact me at

Commercial Use Allowed

Under the CAL-NA-NRB, this license allows the user to use the map for commercial use in their user content. It is also allowed to make and share modifications and to resell modifications, reselling of base items is not allowed. The user is not required to mention the creator.

Mention of me is welcomed but not required. Just point anyone my way if they seem interested, it helps more than you imagine 🙂


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License Information
License Type CAL-NA-NRB
Posted by original creator Yes
License Notes

ommercial Use Allowed

Under the CAL-NA-NRB, this license allows the user to use the map for commercial use in their user content. It is also allowed to make and share modifications and to resell modifications, reselling of base items is not allowed. The user is not required to mention the creator.

Mention of me is welcomed but not required. Just point anyone my way if they seem interested, it helps more than you imagine :)

Map Information
Assets used in Map

Map Size

Map Theme
Map Style Drawn, Fantasy, Top-down
Content Information
Software Information
Verified to Work With
Mythkeeper Compatible

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