Point of Interest: Tree Collection (Vol. 2)


This pack offers a variety of hand-drawn trees that can be used to bring your maps to life. With 26 different types of trees in four variations, you’ll have the flexibility to indicate large forests or individual trees in a city.
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Tree collection (Vol 2)

This pack offers a variety of hand-drawn trees that can be used to bring your maps to life. With 26 different types of trees in four variations, you’ll have the flexibility to indicate large forests or individual trees in a city. The pack includes both sample color and white variants, making it easy to use with Wonderdraft, as well as pre-colored versions. You’ll receive a total of 312 images, and the folders have been structured to work seamlessly with Wonderdraft, though you can use the images in other software too. The tree types range from Apple trees to Eastern Red Cedar, offering a wide range of options for your map-making needs.

Included are

Black Walnut, Eastern Red Cedar, European Ash, Black Ash, Beech, Buchthorn, Eve’s Necklace, Sassafras, River Birch, Screwbean Mesquite, Wright Acacia, Texas Ash, Mexican Sycamore, Sugerberry, Eastern Hemlock, Basswood, Chestnut, Eastern White Pine, Cherry, Oak, Eastern Redcedar, Apple, Honey Locust, Eastern Cottonwood, Black Locust, Bitternut Hickory


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License Information
License Type CAL-BY-NC-NS
A commercial license can be purchased here
Posted by original creator Yes
License Notes

Map Information
Assets used in Map

Map Size

Map Theme
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Content Information
Software Information
Verified to Work With Wonderdraft
Mythkeeper Compatible

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