Skront’s Crypts


Crypt and graveyard assets similar to the native Dungeondraft style.
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If your local cemeteries, noble crypts, and ancient fiend-filled catacombs have been in need of a bit more diversity, this pack might help you out. With 146 colorable objects, 5 walls, and 9 paths, each necromancer’s lab and abandoned mausoleum can feel unique. Three brick walls, an ossuary wall made of skulls, and a wrought iron fence are joined by 6 different chain paths and a line of bones. The objects are all colorable, and are set up for maximum customization. 14 skulls include humanoid, orc, tiefling, dragonborn, and tabaxi, and the skeletons can be modified with wings and tails. Various bone piles and rubble can add to any decrepit crypts, and the wide array of stone urns and caskets – 9 stone and 9 wooden – have optional chains, locks, and plaques to go alongside them. 10 different graves and 14 gravestones in varying degrees of newness will make graveyards feel “lived” in. I hope that your maps benefit from the variety offered here!


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License Information
License Type CAL-NA-AS
Posted by original creator Yes
License Notes

Please don't modify or resell these assets! If you use them and would like to attribute them that's nice, but not required.

Commercial versions of some of my packs, this included, are shown on my shop page.

Map Information
Assets used in Map

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Content Information
Software Information
Verified to Work With Dungeondraft
Mythkeeper Compatible

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