This page contains all information in regards to the custom CartographyAssets Licenses (CAL) that you can find on asset pages. These licenses are similar to CC-licenses but are tailored to be used specifically for asset packs and any complications that may come with them. This makes it easier to understand and use.
No restrictions
No restrictions. Do whatever you want!
Attribution required
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack for commercial use in their user content. It is also allowed to make and share modifications and to resell modifications and base items. The user is, however, required to mention the creator in a reasonable manner and in accordance with their specifications.
Attribution required, commercial use allowed, no reselling of base items
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack for commercial use in their user content. It is also allowed to make and share modifications and to resell modifications, but reselling of base items is not allowed. The user is required to mention the creator in a reasonable manner and in accordance with their specifications.
Attribution required, no reselling
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack for commercial use in their user content. It is also allowed to make and share modifications, but reselling of base items and modifications is not allowed under this license. The user is required to mention the creator in a reasonable manner and in accordance with their specifications.
Attribution required, non-commercial
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack for personal use in their user content only. It is allowed to make and share modifications, but commercial use and reselling of content (modified and base items) in any way is forbidden. The user is required to mention the creator in a reasonable manner and in accordance with their specifications.
Attribution required, non-commercial, modifications cannot be shared
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack for personal use in their user content only. It is allowed to make modifications to the asset pack contents, but the user is not allowed to share the modified content. Commercial use and reselling of content (modified and base items) in any way is forbidden. The user is required to mention the creator in a reasonable manner and in accordance with their specifications.
Attribution required, non-commercial, no modifications
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack “as is” for personal use in their user content only. No modifications should be made or shared, and commercial use and reselling are also prohibited under this license. The user is required to mention the creator in a reasonable manner and in accordance with their specifications.
No Attribution
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack for commercial use in their user content. They are also allowed to make and share modifications and to resell modifications and base items. The user is not required to mention the creator.
No Attribution, no reselling of base items
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack for commercial use in their user content. It is also allowed to make and share modifications and to resell modifications, but reselling of base items is not allowed. The user is not required to mention the creator.
No Attribution, no reselling
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack for commercial use in their user content. It is also allowed to make and share modifications, but reselling of base items and modifications is not allowed under this license. The user is not required to mention the creator.
No Attribution, non-commercial
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack for personal use in their user content only. It is allowed to make and share modifications, but commercial use and reselling of content (modified and base items) in any way is forbidden. The user is not required to mention the creator.
No Attribution, non-commercial, modifications cannot be shared
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack for personal use in their user content only. It is allowed to make modifications to the asset pack contents, but the user is not allowed to share the modified content. Commercial use and reselling of content (modified and base items) in any way is forbidden. The user is not required to mention the creator.
No Attribution, commercial use allowed (no reselling), modifications cannot be shared
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack for personal use in their user content only. It is allowed to make modifications to the asset pack contents, but the user is not allowed to share the modified content. Commercial use of base assets is allowed, but reselling of content (modified and base items) in any way is forbidden. The user is not required to mention the creator.
No Attribution, non-commercial, no modifications
This license allows the user to use content from the asset pack “as is” for personal use in their user content only. No modifications should be made or shared, and commercial use and reselling are also prohibited under this license. The user is not required to mention the creator.
Terms used
Asset Pack – the collective name of the overall package of files provided by the Creator to which this license is attached.
Attribution – providing credit to the Creator when sharing any User Content, Modifications, or Base Items. Different Creators may have specific requirements about how this is done, but generally, it should include the Creator’s name, the Asset Pack used and a link to where the Asset Pack can be found.
Base Items – refers to any part of the Asset Pack that may be used to generate User Content. This may be a whole file, or a part of a file extracted either by the user or by a program that the file is loaded in to. When the Base Item is an image this refers to the appearance of the image itself independent of format.
Content – the files contained within the Asset Pack.
Commercial Use – the use of any of the Base Items, modified or otherwise, in User Content which is primarily intended for commercial advantage or monetary compensation. This may include, but is not limited to, income-generation of any kind (whether direct or indirect), the enhancement of reputation, pro-bono work, or work where payment is received “in kind”.
Creator – the individual, group, or business who created the Content. This is the name given by the creator upon providing the content and may be a pseudonym.
Modifications/Modified content – any modification to the Base Items, either partially or as a whole, with the intent of creating a new asset.
Resell/Reselling – Selling of Base Items or Modifications, either on their own or as part of an overall package with other items, for monetary payment or alternative payment in kind, by the User.
Share/Sharing – distribution of the item described, by any means, by the User.
User – The individual downloading or otherwise receiving the Asset Pack.
User Content – any map, image or other composite output which is created by the User, within which the Base Items, either modified or unmodified, are used as just a part of the overall composition where there is a clear creative input that does not derive solely from the use of the Base Item.