Ti’s 146 More Roads for Wonderdraft


146 337 paths for Wonderdraft, including railway, modern road, rubble, ruined wall, wall with towers. These also work as frames in Other World Mapper. Universal image pack.

Buy my other awesome packs for Wonderdraft!

Ti's Revenge of the Roads: 88 Pathways, Rails, Monorail, Sci-Fi Roads Expansion for Wonderdraft and DungeonDraft

Ti's 84 Frames for Wonderdraft

Ti's Geometric Frames for Wonderdraft

Ti's Fog and Cloud Symbols, Assets and Themes for Wonderdraft

Ti's Lil Desert Region for Wonderdraft

Ti's Terrain Outliner Paths for Wonderdraft

Ti's 10 Colorable Compasses for Wonderdraft and DungeonDraft

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Roads for Wonderdraft or Frames for Other World Mapper

Technically, there’s about 47 unique brushes in here: they come in blue/red colored, white/black outlined, and plain white for different effects.

2022 update! Now includes 191 grittier, aged versions of the original brushes to expand your options!

Unlike 88 Paths Expansion for Wonderdraft, which is all texture based brushes, these brushes are “shaped” elements with no significant texture. Paths, roads, and ribbons in this path include ruins, ruined walls with towers, railway, modern roads with ribbon paint, arrows, and more. I’m most excited about the rubble brushes, which will enable you to draw ruins with the path tool. Everything (except for the 2022 Gritty Bonus update) is shown in the example images, in a couple of different Wonderdraft default skins.

These pathways are included as PNG downloads in a zipped folder. All pngs are 1000×100 pixels wide, and can also be used as drag and drop pieces in a virtual tabletop. They must be placed in the correct folder to show up as paths in Wonderdraft. I recommend setting the color of the road to white in Wonderdraft to bring out the original colors if they appear too dark to make out the detail.

You will place the unzipped folder in the assets folder.

On a Windows 10 machine you will place the path PNGs in C/Users/(user)/AppData/Roaming/Wonderdraft/assets/(name of asset pack)/textures/paths. AppData is a hidden folder. You will need to activate hidden folders to access it. I have included the folder structure, so all you have to do is place it in Assets and unzip.

Specific instructions for installing Wonderdraft assets on other operating systems, or if you need further assistance, can be found at this link in the Wonderdraft subreddit.

Install these to use as frames in Other World Mapper by placing the pngs in (Program
Files / Other World Mapper / Borders / Frames).

Other Packs for Wonderdraft

I have other packs with paths for Wonderdraft:

Ti’s Water as Paths

Ti’s Revenge of the Roads

Ti’s Lil Desert Region for Wonderdraft

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License Information
License Type CAL-NA-NCR
Posted by original creator Yes
License Notes

You can use these paths to create maps that you sell. Credit is not required. Do not resell the path as part of another pack; it must be used as part of an original composition of your own design.

Map Information
Assets used in Map

Map Size

Map Theme
Map Style
Content Information
Software Information
Verified to Work With Wonderdraft
Mythkeeper Compatible

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Feb 9 2022: Added 191 variations of the original brushes with a 'gritty' texture on top, bringing the collection up to 337 brushes in 2 different packages.

Changed the file folder formatting so that you can simply unzip into the assets folder instead of setting up your own folder structure.

Thanks for purchasing this pack!


How to Install
